
Though much of Africa’s urban growth is due to natural population increase and the reclassification of existing settlements, in-migration from rural to urban areas remains an important source of urbanisation. How migration affects current urban challenges is poorly understood, and the effect of migration on cities is (as everywhere in the world) often subject to assumptions and prejudices based on limited evidence.

The relationships between migration, urbanisation and conflict are likely to become more importance as population growth, pressure on land use and displacements due to climate change increase. Achieving a better understanding of these issues is crucial if Africa‚AOS urbanisation is to be sustainable. The Migration, Urbanisation and Conflict in Africa (MUCA) research project ‚AI funded by UKRI through the GCRF and African University Research Alliance ‚Äì aims to address this gap.

Throughout the research nine cities spread across three countries - Ethiopia, Nigeria and Uganda - will be studied. The project involves a partnership between the University of Sheffield and the University of Addis Ababa (Ethiopia), University of Lagos (Nigeria), Makerere University (Uganda), and University of the Witwatersrand (South Africa), with secondary partnerships drawing in the Hawassa University (Ethiopia), University of Jos (Nigeria) and Gulu University (Uganda).

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